I think Bart D. Ehrman is a good, easy start. Go to your library and get any of his books.
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Hello from Illinois
by Rob206 ini come from a catholic background, but most recently had been with the churches of christ.
i have contacted my local congregation and will be talking with someone tomorrow, hopefully setting a study up for next week.
i want to study scripture, but also want to immerse myself in everything jw publishes.
never a jw
Hello from Illinois
by Rob206 ini come from a catholic background, but most recently had been with the churches of christ.
i have contacted my local congregation and will be talking with someone tomorrow, hopefully setting a study up for next week.
i want to study scripture, but also want to immerse myself in everything jw publishes.
never a jw
You need some mental cleaning. It takes years and a lot of study, yes, deep biblical studies. Go to your library and find some books on the Bible studies written by the people who know the Bible, bible scholars.
By the way, there are some decent Catholic bible scholars. They just never tell you what they know in your Sunday mass. For a good reason, the stuff they keep from you is the stuff that will drive you away from mass. It's your job to find out what that is.
North Korea viral video and JW Comparison.
by pleaseresearch ini watched this video yesterday from this brave young north korean woman.
hearing her share her experiences living in her country and what the people go through on a day to day basis is so very similar to jws today and how we lived.. please watch and tell me your thoughts.. thank you.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ijj3insyk.
never a jw
The difference is one group uses mental coercion and mental torture. The other group does both, mental coercion and torture and physical coercion and torture, even death. But the essence is the same, both groups take away freedom by coercive means. So the comparison is adequate if the differences are noted too.
The great Christopher Hitchens (rip) compared Christianity to North Korea several times. Intelligent people understood that Hitchens was not equaling North Korea and Christianity, but that both groups use similar systems; tyranny to control the masses. I agree with Hitchens comparison.
After being in the so-called "Truth" makes me despise all religions.
by Fader812 inafter being a jw made me lose trust in religion, from the lies, hypocrisy and greed of this organization made me lose faith completely.
what does one do after this mind f$%@, what is there to look forward to?
do i make up my own agnostic theory in head and hope for the best?
never a jw
Yep. Even as an atheist, I liked the witnesses' religion...that is until I dug a little deeper. Today I can't stand Christianity.
Marrying out of the truth poem!
by DagothUr inmarrying out of the truth !!.
(author's name removed to protect privacy).
he or she-- doesn't love jehovah .
never a jw
Toes up:
Credit goes to my Catholic mother and father. They gave their four male children the education, the morals and the work ethic that inevitably lead to happy and stable lives. Two of my brothers are JW's, and myself and another brother are not. What's the common denominator among all our families, JW's and non JW's. All of us had been married to the first and only wife till this moment (23 years in my case, 37 years in the case of the oldest). No signs of the first divorce in any family yet. All our kids (10 total) are good kids with no vices whatsoever. Six out of the ten are in stable marriages and following in the footsteps of their dads (my brothers and me). The only difference is that all the non JW kids (5) have finished, or will finish soon four year college, and the JW kids (5), except for one, only started college, but quit halfway. Overall the JW families and the non JW families are indistinguishable. They all enjoy happy and stable lives. So, the JW religion has nothing to do with the success. Thank you mom and dad.
One day my JW brother wanted to give credit to the WT for his good kids. I had to stop him. I gave him plenty of examples of failed JW marriages and bad kids. And I forced him to think that his debt is to his non JW parents. The evidence is there. very loud and very clear.
Marrying out of the truth poem!
by DagothUr inmarrying out of the truth !!.
(author's name removed to protect privacy).
he or she-- doesn't love jehovah .
never a jw
Just a bit more. The story of my wife's large JW family is not unique. It's pretty much the rule. There's very few JW families where the children become exemplary JW's and stay happily married. The success rate must be lower than for non-JW's. This type of situation seems to be aggravated when the father is an elder. Seriously.
Marrying out of the truth poem!
by DagothUr inmarrying out of the truth !!.
(author's name removed to protect privacy).
he or she-- doesn't love jehovah .
never a jw
Well, my wife married a non-believer, ME. As expected, all of her JW family refused to attend our wedding.
What's happened since then, you may ask?
Since someone in this site may know me I will proceed with caution and spare the details. Suffice to say there's plenty of cheating, divorce, no university studies, low paying jobs among my wife's JW's nephews and nieces. I can only think of two success stories: in the first story both husband and wife are nominal JW's; and in the second story the husband is an elder and a total asshole, but no cheating and no divorce there. She looks miserable though
Meanwhile me and my wife live happy lives, have zero debt, two houses, a fat retirement, have done a good share of traveling and plan to do plenty more until death. Also, both my children are on their way to graduating from a four year university. Funny, but pretty much everyone in my wife's large family praises my children for their exemplary conduct and achievements and I know deep inside they wish their kids were just like ours.
Some religion!
Thought Bubbles Then & Now
by steve2 inmy thought bubble in the 1980s:.
"how can i engage with worldly people when they are just not interested in discussing these important topics as featured in the watchtower and awake?.
my thought bubble in the 2010s:.
never a jw
My thought bubble in the 1980s:
"How can I pull this off? I have two tough tests coming, Thermodynamics and Mechanics of Fluids?
My thought bubble in the 2010s:
“I am so glad my parents were not JW's"
NWT - revised 1984 vs revised 2013 versions
by Tallon inin the latest 2013 revision the footnote of john chapter 8 states; a number of ancient and authoritative manuscripts omit vs 53 (of chapter 7) to chapter 8, vs. 11.. yet the 1984 revision quotes a similar footnote, however the passage of scripture is included in the text, albeit separately at the bottom.
this passage of scripture is about the scribes and the pharisees who brought a woman that was accused of adultery before jesus to test him on the punishment to be meted out.
then came his famous reply; let the one of you that is sinless be the first to throw a stone at her.. i just found it interesting that the wtbts would leave this out in the latest revision.
never a jw
The WT got it right.
Besides, it is one of the nicest sounding parts of the bible, but it's only make-you-feel-good-BS. If we were to use Jesus' standard for prosecuting someone, it would be impossible to prosecute the worst criminals, let alone an adulterous woman. Also, it is quite inconsistent for Jesus to claim to uphold the law in some parts of the New Testament, but break it so he can be praised for his ridiculous solutions to conflict, such as "turn the other cheek". Pleeeeeeease!
Comparing Total Numbers Baptized During the 1990s and the Last Ten Years:
by steve2 insometimes, comparing raw numbers provides a more clear-cut numerical picture of growth or otherwise than percentages.
below are the numbers for peak publishers (rounded off so that 4,1 represents more than 4,100,000) for each year throughout the 1990s and those for the last ten years.. year: peak* baptisms.
* peak publishers abbreviated - simply to show annual baptisms in relation to peak publishers.. the main point: .
never a jw
2000-2005 missing. can you add them? I am trying to see a continuous trend.
Comparing the two blocks of data (nineties and the last 10 years) we get an average decline of 7.6 percent. (from an average of 323,481 to 298,856)